Web Development

9 Web Design Definitions You Need to Know

Web design is a complicated field. It requires a deep understanding of the internet and an eye for visual design. There are many phrases that web designers use to describe their work, but they can be hard to understand if you're new to the industry. In this post, I'll explain 10 terms that you should know if you want to learn more about web design:


Accessibility is the ability of a website to be used by everyone, including those with disabilities. It's about making your site universally usable and accessible to people who have different browsers, screen readers, or other assistive technologies.

The goal of accessibility is not just to make your site usable for people with disabilities—it's also about making sure that all users can access the same content. It’s not always easy to include accessibility features in a design (especially when you’re pressed for time), but they can make an enormous difference in the user experience on your website.

Content management system

A content management system (CMS) is the software that allows you to manage your website's content. It can be used for adding and removing pages, changing styles or layouts, creating new features for your site and more. A CMS is often used in conjunction with other tools from web design companies like SEO services, email marketing services and more.

There are many different types of CMSs available today, including Sqaurespace, WordPress, and Drupal.


Domain name

A domain name is simply the address of the website. It's what people use to find your website on the internet. For example, “www.zendesk.com” is a domain name and so is “http://www.google.com/” or even “www” (which is short for “world wide web”).

Domain names are used for many reasons including:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Search engines such as Google want to know what content you're providing so they can rank you higher in their search results if your content is more relevant than other sites' content
  • Branding: Companies often choose one word or phrase that represents them as an organization; this helps them stand out from competitors who may have similar offerings but different branding campaigns
  • Direct navigation: Users can access specific pages without having to navigate through multiple clicks on links or menus

Responsive design

A responsive design is a website that adapts to the device being used to view it. For example, if you have a website on your laptop and then switch over to your phone, the content of that site will change depending on the size of the screen. This makes sense because most websites are designed with a desktop computer in mind, but they don't always look good on mobile devices or tablets.


In order for people to access your content easily (and quickly), you should use responsive web design techniques so that no matter where they're viewing it from or what kind of device they're using (desktop, tablet or mobile), they'll still be able to enjoy an enjoyable user experience.

User experience (UX)

User experience (UX) is a term that refers to the overall experience of using a product, from its first use to its last. It's not just about how things look and feel (although they do matter). A user's interactions with the website or app are part of their UX, as are how they react to certain features or design elements.

The best web designers know that a site’s user experience isn't just about how it looks—it's also about how people feel when they use it. If someone visits your landing page and feels overwhelmed by all of the things there are to do on your website/app, then that's an indicator that there could be room for improvement in terms of UX design.

UI/UX design

UI/UX design is the practice of designing the user interface and user experience of a website or application. The term UI/UX combines ‘user interface’ and ‘user experience’, which are two important elements in any digital product.

User Interface Design (UI) is about creating an easy-to-use interface for your users. It includes things like button placement, font selection, colour choices and more — all the visual elements that allow people to interact with your site or application.

User Experience Design (UX) focuses on creating a seamless flow between each element of your product so that users are guided through it as easily as possible. This can include things like ad placement, onboarding screens and other elements to help users get going quickly while eliminating any confusion along the way

Web design agency

A web design agency is a company that provides web design services. It can be an individual or a full-time employee, freelancer, or a large company.

The majority of professional web designers work for agencies because it offers them the opportunity to work on different projects at the same time without worrying about overhead costs and having to hire their own employees.


If you’re looking to get your website to the top of Google, this is the term for you. SEO stands for “search engine optimization”, and it refers to the process of making a site appealing to search engines so that it shows up on their first page when someone searches for something. It's important because being found in the first few pages of results can lead to more visitors and more business.


SEO is a long-term process—you don't just hire an SEO company and then sit back; instead, think about this as an investment in your online presence. There are lots of things that affect SEO ranking, like keyword usage and meta descriptions (which tell search engines what your page is about). You can even use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to help boost traffic too!


A wireframe is a low-fidelity, skeletal website design. It's a visual guide to the layout of your website and an easy way to communicate with stakeholders about what you have in mind for their site.

If you're having trouble explaining how something should look, it's probably going to be even more difficult for your client or boss. A wireframe can help you communicate and test out options quickly before making major decisions about content, fonts and colours.

Looking for web design services?

We hope you learned something new about web design and have a better understanding of what it means for your business. If you’re looking to start your own website, contact us today or visit our website. We can help you create an amazing experience for your audience by creating a custom site that fits their needs and works on all devices including smartphones and tablets.