Digital Marketing

8 Tips for Effective Banner Design to Run Your Marketing Campaign

Banner ads can be a great way to promote your product, service, or brand. They're highly visible and often very affordable. But banners can also be a headache for marketers if they don't get their design right. So, what makes for an effective banner ad? Here are eight tips to help you create successful banner designs:

Know your audience

Do you know who will be viewing your banner ad? If not, then it is important to do some research. You should know how they interact with websites and banner ads and what kind of content they like to consume. This will help you design an effective banner that resonates with them.

Consider the purpose of your banner ad

The purpose of a website or an online business is to sell, so most importantly for any marketing campaign is knowing what message you want to convey and how this relates back to your product or service being sold. Does it solve a problem? Is there something special about it that makes it different from similar products in its category? These are all factors which should be considered when designing your banner ad because they will shape its effectiveness at bringing potential customers through the door (or generating leads).

Make it relevant

This is the most important factor in banner design. If you have a website selling shoes, then a banner that advertises dog accessories is not going to be effective for your campaign. Your audience will be annoyed and probably leave your site without looking at anything else you have on offer. You want to make sure that everything in your marketing campaign, including any banners or social media posts, are relevant to what you're selling and who you're targeting with it.

Use a call to action

A call to action is a statement that encourages the viewer to take a specific action.

Here are some examples:

·        "Learn More"

·        "Shop Now"

·        "Book Your Reservation"

Calls to action can be used in any banner design and help create an interactive experience for your audience. The more you involve them, the more likely they are to take the next step with your company or product. You want them to feel like part of something special, so try using language that makes it sound exclusive, such as “exclusive offer” or “limited time only." This will get people excited and may encourage them tomake a purchase immediately rather than simply reading through all of the information on your site first before making up their mind about whether or not they want what's being offered.

Think about the message, not just the design

As you're planning your design, think about the message. It should be clear but not too long. It needs to be relevant to your audience and easy to understand, read, and remember.

If you're having trouble coming up with a message for your banner, remember this formul: "A good banner adds value or solves aproblem." Think of how you can add value to your target markets business, or what problems you can help them solve.

Keep it simple and concise

You have only a few seconds to catch the audience's attention. Make sure the design of your banner is simple, clear, and concise.

·        Use a single image or video instead of multiple ones so that viewers can easily share your content.

·        Make sure that the image or video is relevant to what you are trying to communicate.

·        Don't use more than one call-to-action (CTA) in order not to overwhelm your audience with too many options and make it confusing for them on where they should click or not click. The idea here is to capture as much information from them as possible without scaring them off by giving them too many choices at once!

Use high quality images

Images are a powerful tool for capturing the attention of your audience, and they can be used to convey meaning through colour, shape, or even text. To make sure your message is received clearly by your audience, it’s important to use high quality images that are relevant to them. By following these guidelines when selecting images, you will create better banners that are easy for people to read:

·        Choose an image with a clear focal point (i.e., what is the main idea?)

·        Check the dimensions (how big is the image?)

·        Make sure that all text is legible

This last step might seem like common sense but sometimes people forgethow important it actually is. If someone cannot read what you have written, then they won't understand what it means which defeats the whole purpose ofhaving a banner in place at all.

Consider adding animation, but don't overdo it.

·        Animation can be a valuable tool for adding personality, but you don't want to overdo it.

·        A banner that has too much animation is going to look like an advertisement and not something that a user would want to click on.

·        Subtlety is key here—animation should add value, not detract from the message.

·        Consistency across your marketing campaign is important so that users know what they're getting when they see one of your ads on social media or elsewhere online; the graphics should match in style and colour palette to maintain brand identity, even if there's animated elements involved.

Looking to create a new banner ad campaign?

All in all, good banner design can make a big difference in how your business is perceived by potential customers and clients. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get your hands on great-looking design. If you don’t have any experience with creating banners or other marketing materials yourself, it might be worth hiring an expert who knows what they are doing. Get in touch with our teamat COH Digital today to get started with your banner ads and more.