Digital Marketing

A Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is hard! It’s full of acronyms, buzzwords and technologies that result in a confusing experience for the newcomer. It can also be a financial sinkhole if you get it wrong. Even the experts don’t always agree on what works and what doesn’t — but I hope that this blog will give you some much-needed clarity about how to approach digital marketing for your business.

Marketing is a very broad term, and digital marketing is a subset of marketing. Digital marketing encompasses all the ways you can use the internet, mobile phones, apps and social media to promote your business or services. From email marketing to SMS campaigns to web design, digital marketing agencies are usually dedicated exclusively to creating and managing online marketing campaigns for their clients.

Your Goals:

How do you get started with Digital Marketing? You start with some goals. What do you want from your social media marketing? Do you want to make more sales, build authority and trust for your brand or create a community of customers and fans?

Your goals will help define the strategies that you need to use, along with the type of content that will work best. Then it's time to identify what channels will work for you.

Do you want just one social network or several? When deciding, take into consideration the resources available to you and what your time is worth. Remember, there's a lot more involved in digital marketing than just posting on social media networks.

What you want to achieve with your digital marketing campaign determines which channels you need to prioritize. It is important to create a strategy and stick to it, rather than trying to do everything at once.

A successful campaign is one that is integrated across all the channels, so you should start from the beginning by working out what you want your campaign to achieve. Trying to do everything at once will overwhelm you, and you won't be able to measure success or failure. It is far better to work out what your goals are and then focus on achieving them.

If your strategy is too broad, you could end up wasting money or time on activities that don't produce good results for your business. If it's too narrow, you might not be reaching enough potential customers or developing a broad enough presence online.

Your audience:

Do you know who your audience is? If you're selling a product and have no idea who to sell it to, let's stop right here.

If you don't know your audience, you cannot create an effective digital marketing plan for them.

How about the other way around: do you have a pretty good idea of your audience and their needs? Great! Then let's move on and get started with your marketing plan. But if not, we recommend starting with defining your target audience first.

In order to create a good digital marketing plan that works, understanding your audience is critical. You're not going to be able to market effectively if you don't know who you are trying to reach. So, take a moment and think about the following questions:

What are the demographics of my target audience?

What is their age range?

Are they male or female?

What is their education level?

Are they married or single?

Do they have kids or are they focused on their careers?

Where do they live (country)?

What kind of income do they have?

There's a lot to learn about digital marketing — hashtags, analytics, SEO. But it starts with understanding your audience and where they spend their time. It's also important to consider how you want to portray yourself and your business so that you can tailor your marketing strategy accordingly.

When it comes to digital marketing, the best thing to do is address your customer's pain points. What problems are they experiencing? How can you help solve those problems for them? What kind of content would they be interested in seeing? What kind of promotions could you offer that would benefit them? Try asking yourself these questions every time you design an online marketing campaign and see how it shapes your ideas.

Your knowledge of your product or service:

You need a plan: Before you can start a digital marketing campaign, you need an overall plan. The plan should include steps on how you are going to market your product or service and what your goals are. The plan should be detailed and include timelines that you will follow, as well as deadlines for each step in the process.

A good rule of thumb is that if you have more than three steps in your plan, then it is too complicated and needs to be simplified. You also want to outline what resources you have available to complete the steps in the plan. Are there any additional resources that need to be acquired? If so, when will you start the acquisition process?

Creating the perfect product or service is no guarantee of success. You need to make sure that people know about it. To do this, you'll need to advertise your products and services so that customers know what you have to offer.

Telling your customer your product or service is good is not going to be sufficient enough to convince them to buy it from you. You need to craft the story to peak their interest and make them want to be a part of it.

Where to start:

The first step in creating a successful strategy is determining how much time, energy and money you will invest in your digital marketing efforts. Figuring out how much money you need for your advertising budget is relatively easy — especially if you're using Google AdWords.

The first thing you need to do is decide what types of content you want to create: text content, images, audio…whatever works for your business. You might also want a combination of different types of content. For example, maybe you want an infographic that accompanies an article you wrote.

Next, figure out where you'll be promoting this content. It doesn't have to be on one platform; you can share it all over the place! If you're creating a blog post about how to use social media for business success, consider sharing it on your Facebook page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profile. You might even try sharing it on Reddit or some other social news site.

SEO & Social Media are two important aspects to be familiar with.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This is an important part of digital marketing. SEO helps you show up on search engines when someone searches for something related to your business. The better your SEO, the more likely you are to show up at the top of these search results.

Social Media Marketing: These days social media plays a huge role in how we interact with businesses and each other. Posting on Facebook and Twitter and having great content can really help you stand out from your competitors. Other types of social media such as Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest are also important to be present on if you're trying to attract customers through social media channels.


In the past, it wasn't uncommon for small companies to use direct marketing methods such as print ads, billboards and even TV commercials to reach out to their customers. But with the advent of the Internet, it has become much easier to market your business online.

One of the big concerns that people have with digital marketing is that it's too complicated - and they're right. There are many terms and strategies to learn and implement, but the basic idea behind digital marketing is simple: the internet is a world full of customers, and you need to reach them.

Tackling digital marketing can be daunting, especially when you're just starting out. There are so many places to find help with your marketing, such as social media groups, blogs and articles about different aspects of digital marketing. However, it can be overwhelming trying to sift through all the information out there and apply it to your business.

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